
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก ธันวาคม, 2022

Watch Out For the Kuchisake Onna Urban Legend

Watch Out For the Kuchisake Onna Urban Legend during the Japanese hey on period around a thousand years ago a samurai was married to a beautiful woman she was the object of everyone's affection and she knew it she would walk around town and ask those who stared am I pretty the samurai was not happy with the attention she was eliciting and when he discovered she was being unfaithful he wanted her to pay one day armed with a knife he attacked her he pressed the blade into her cheek and slit her mouth ear to ear leaving her with a bloody - aesthetic grin who will think you're beautiful now soon after she died and returned to earth as an angry spirit named kuchisake-onna the slit-mouthed woman in the late 1970s a countrywide panic broke out after numerous people claimed to have encountered could she sought the owner more police officers are assigned to night duty students were required to walk home in pairs after school people took extra precautions to avo

#Urban Legend total 4

Top 10 Scary Slenderman Urban Legends 10. Dead Rats on the Wall This story is messed up. This whole saga was posted on Reddit No Sleep a few years ago by Redditor Moonbay. She said she went away with her husband to her Grandpa’s cabin and on their way up to the country, he husband cracked his classic Slenderman joke. When they got to the cabin, the girl saw scratch marks on one of the sides of the cabin, like someone had dragged a rake across the side of the house. She made a note to tell her grandpa but got on with her trip. That night, she heard something outside, like scratching. Her husband joked it was Slenderman again, but then said seriously that it must be rats and in the morning he would set up some pest control. IT turns it was indeed rats…..rats nailed to the cabin wall! The husband is a bit concerned but thinks it was kids playing a prank. The next night, there is scratching noises and heavy breathing and growling coming from outside the cabin and the pair both agree to

Top 10 Scariest Japanese Urban Legends

Top 10 Scariest Japanese Urban Legends the West is full of classic urban legends and cautionary tales with a twist but if you heard of any of these stories welcome to watchmojo.com and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 scariest Japanese urban legends before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we've taken a look at the scariest urban tales and folk tales either involving creatures rituals or scenarios from the Land of the Rising Sun if you remember the phrase purple Muir you will die on 20th birthday number 10 gotcha do Kudo or giant starving skeleton said to be made up of the bones of unburied people who have died of starvation or at war the gashadokuro is always hungry it hides in the woods at night where it can blend in with skeletal trees and then attacks unsuspecting passers-by according to the myths the only warni