Watch Out For the Kuchisake Onna Urban Legend
Watch Out For the Kuchisake Onna Urban Legend during the Japanese hey on period around a thousand years ago a samurai was married to a beautiful woman she was the object of everyone's affection and she knew it she would walk around town and ask those who stared am I pretty the samurai was not happy with the attention she was eliciting and when he discovered she was being unfaithful he wanted her to pay one day armed with a knife he attacked her he pressed the blade into her cheek and slit her mouth ear to ear leaving her with a bloody - aesthetic grin who will think you're beautiful now soon after she died and returned to earth as an angry spirit named kuchisake-onna the slit-mouthed woman in the late 1970s a countrywide panic broke out after numerous people claimed to have encountered could she sought the owner more police officers are assigned to night duty students were required to walk home in pairs after school people took extra precautions to avo